Sister Wives: Gwen Brown Calls Out The Family

Sister Wives: Gwen Brown Calls Out The Family

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Green Brown reviews Season 18 episode 4 and reveals some telling information on the dynamic of the family relationships…(read more at source)

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  1. I think that's normal among big families after all christine took care of everyone's kid's while the other's worked plus christine even had to go out and work night's occasionally. So i think she (christine) tried but no parent is perfect and its two side's to every story so unless you can get them in the same room we will never know the full truth.

  2. Gwen had told her Mom she was going to be traveling over Christmas. Then she says she wasn’t invited. I’m sure if Christine thought she was in town she would have been invited. This is why sometimes I think Gwen is just attention, seeking and trying to stir the pot.

  3. You got to remember Christine hardly seen Paden since he is in Utah she can see him more often when she was in Flagstaff Gwen was living with Christine yes y'all need to figure that out you two need go to therapy 6:26

  4. I have a sister I cannot stand and has done really terrible things to me growing up. I still go to family functions and just keep my distance. If you are a true adult you can be around people who have done you wrong without fighting. Being the bigger person sucks however so does making a parent choose between her kids. Sorry to Gwen in this but people suck and some are in our families. We have to learn to coexist

  5. I understand giving support but I am not that into them not being honest and supporting bad behavior. Mykelti is not honest about what is really going in. Especially the last clup of her defending Robin and believing lies and supporting them. Gwen is a hot mess. She is young amd something is really off with them. They need to go to a councilor and work through all of this and stop reporting on it just for being noticed and to make money by exploiting this further. This isn't healthy either. Get therapy and then after time away from it then reflect. Right now we are getting exaggerations and feelings involved that at times is irrational.

  6. That sad that Gwen thout that and put it in words.
    It's hard being a basement wife kid.
    But it's great to see that we're finally getting the right story. Something that we always suspected, but couldn't pinpoint.

    I hope she finds peace now.

  7. Great comments. I always thought that Christine was putting it on when she cried during the breakup in season 17. It was slightly Robynish lol. It always gave me pause, so to hear you say she's a bit performative strikes me as dead on.

  8. Definitely all of the parents have not been great parents at times especially when it came to the descisions for the kids .Especially moving the kids all the time and not looking after the kids well-being .

  9. Christine stated she has an open invitation to all her kids. She’s not individually inviting them. I get that because I’m the same way. Gwen could have gone but she chose not to because of Paedon. She’s being petty and childish. I like Gwen but I think she needs to grow up. She’s very immature

  10. Who needs to be invited home for anything? A parent's house will always be their kids home regardless of how old they are. I can totally see how there are issues with Christine's middle kids Mykelti Payton and Gwen. Mykelti and Gwen are classic middle children. Mykelti needed to be the "wild child" rebel dance to her own drum because she had a "perfect" older sister in Aspyn. Payton was the only boy in his household and his mom is a complete girl mom. And Gwen is obviously on the spectrum and had a mom who was literally pregnant or with a baby the first 8 years of her life. Obviously she doesn't rock with Payton and her reasons while are totally valid for her aren't the same for the rest of her family. So if the conversation about Christmas was Payton is coming home i can see Gewn saying shes not going and then expecting her mom to try and convince her to come. The fact that Gwen has a contract with the show makes her "tea" a bit more scripted and that goes for the whole family. The Browns are a brand/business and ratings are the most important thing at the end of the day

  11. Could it maybe be that what Gwen understands as « not being invited », was in fact Christine just inviting Paedon to Christmas? Thereby making it impossible for Gwen (according to her own views) to attend? It must be extremely difficult for a mom to have two kids, that you both love, not being able to be in the same room… how do you handle Christmas and all other holidays?!!! In the end, Gwen is newly married, whereas Paedon is single (I think), so maybe Christine thought that Gwen could spend Christmas with her wife and her wives’s family, whereas Peadon needed to be with Christine more this specific year?

  12. Anyone can see that Gwen needs to grow up. As a parent you will not and should not be in the middle of two children fight. Gwen didn't come to Christimas because of Paedon not because she wasn't invited. If you believe that then you believe anything 💯

  13. In S18E2 Kody asked Christine "so Gwen is not going to be around for the holidays?" and Christine responded yes. So I assumed they were going to Bea's family. Personally I find Gwen to be naive/childish in many of her viewpoints. Paedon has said he was wrong to hit Gwen, he apologized, Gwen choose to not accept it. Unfortunately Christine has now been put in the middle of the 2 kids … Guess they will have to resolve it like most families do … one comes to Thanksgiving and the other comes for Christmas and reverse it for the next year.

  14. I think sometimes we forget all these people grew up in a cult. A lot of the things the older kids dealt with as children probably mimicked their parents childhood. Once the show started and they had some money therapy came into play and you notice the difference in the way their younger siblings were raised

  15. You are always so beautiful. But today girl you look absolutely gorgeous.
    My 6yr old even said you look like a beautiful picture, not a real human lady, lol. Well forget me, I'm chopped liver 😂

  16. No invited or when her mom said Paedon was coming she said i wont come and tnats where the conversation ended? Cause there are differences. We all know Kody and Robyn didn't invited anyone cause in reality they didn't want anyone to come. The fight was always about Janelle kids not being welcomed not no one was welcomed. Not once we heard them inviting anyone else.

  17. Bingo! I’ve been saying this for yeeears. Christine kids are needy, hogs the spotlight & has narc tendencies like dad. They were wild unruly children that could never sit still for too long and I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t stand Mykelti. She has to do the opposite of wutever her siblings are doing just so that she can stand out.
    Case in point, Janelle’s daughter didn’t want Robyn at her birthing, so now Kelti makes it a point not to have Meri at her’s or anything else she attends. She even admitted on her live that Meri wasn’t at Robyn’s for Christmas bcuz of her.

  18. I’m so glad you spoke about the parents not being squeaky clean! While I think it’s great Janelle and Christine FINALLY left Kodi. It doesn’t erase the trauma those kids experienced.

  19. I’m personally tired of this generation on teens and young adults. They want acceptance but don’t want to give it if you don’t agree with them. Why does a parent, for example, have to support the fact that you want to be the opposite sex now? Do what you want but stop holding the people who love you most hostage. These kid are going to have a rude awakening in a few years. Sometimes the people who “support” them the most are the ones who are the least invested in them.

  20. Paedon did apologize for what happened between him and Gwen and stated he would keep his distance from her until she is ready. I don't see Paedon as being needier than Gwen. I do think Gwen is much needier.

  21. The question I have for Gwen is where would Christine get the idea she was going to be out of town. I did see a clip where Garrison was talking and stated that they did not need father figure and Gwen was there and it looked like the rental.

  22. Gwen also does not get along with payden in episode 2 Cody asked Christine if Gwen was coming to Christmas she stated no he asked if she was out of town and she stated yes she believed so. He has Payden also did apologize to her and she refused it. I believe a lot of it is due to her being part of the LGBT community because her brother is not acceptance of it.

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