Miss America Pageant 1958 (September 1957)

Miss America Pageant 1958 (September 1957)

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  1. It looked like the most photogenic, and dimpled, Miss America, Marilyn Van Derbur, overcame her oilman father's sexual abuse because she was the most attractive of his four daughters, and CBS' technical problems while playing the organ in the Talent Competition without the sound, to win the coveted crown. Also, did you notice in the last commercial segment a guy moving past the camera and realized at the last minute that the camera was on, so he ducked out of the way. TV was all live in the 1950's, although video tape had just come out within a year of the '57 Miss America pageant, but still a novelty, as kinescope still filmed live programs. However, thanks a million for this gem. I intend to look at the other CBS and NBC Miss America broadcasts on YT very soon.

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