The Dangers of They/Them-ing Children with Belle Cardinal

The Dangers of They/Them-ing Children with Belle Cardinal

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Mother, doula, musician and hair and makeup artist. Belle lets us in on the path that led her both toward and away from gender-neutral parenting. We explore the strict sexual code of conduct within her Mormon upbringing and talk through her intimate introduction to the trans community. Belle shares how her own family’s history of cosmetic surgeries played into her acceptance of and compassion for trans-identified clients who had medicalized – alongside her honest conversations with a trans-identified male friend whose quest for womanhood jeopardized his organ functions.

We cover her well-meaning intentions as a mother who they/themed her baby for 20 months, the reception of other adults to her parenting approach, the confusion she herself experienced while teaching her daughter about her body, and how something as overlooked as diet influenced her perspectives and ability to think critically about gender ideology. Belle also names the potential dangers children face if they are not taught that men and women are different, and emphasizes the role sex plays in how we determine our reality.

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  1. Good interview except the malarkey about blaming her believing in gender ideology on being vegan…I am quite certain most people buying into that nonsense are not vegan. People believe all kinds of nonsense, regardless of what diet they choose. And there are definitely vegans I know who are as gender critical AF. I have studied nutrition for years and a balanced, healthy vegan diet is just as good for you as the Mediterranean diet. You can also be vegan & unhealthy in the exact same way as you can be unhealthy as a meat eater. There is tons of variance in what food choices you make. She started changing how she looked at things…diet has nothing to do with it. It’s a normal human thing to do…changing her dietary pattern just coincided with other ways she changed how she looked at things…that is all.

  2. I've been a vegan for 8 years and I'm not "literally going crazy" or anything. This is ridiculous. Great talk but the veganism part is really misinformed.

  3. I agree that women are doing their best and I do get the appeal of this dumb ideology but there’s gotta be some accountability and blame placed. It’s not right to let them totally off the hook for something that is largely common sense.

  4. This is probably my favorite interview on your channel so far. I love hearing from people who go through a change of perspective regarding gender and what their "moment of clarity" was, because I think most of us have been there at some point, yet each story is different.

  5. I'm a 12 year vegan and I don't relate to that at all, I have regular blood tests and only ever been slightly vit d deficient which is normal in the winter months in the northern hemisphere, our health service recommends vit d supplements for everyone in the winter. It hasn't made me healthier or less healthy.

  6. I just saw this being posted. Thank you! Every interview you do here rocks me. Some of your interviews take me months to process.
    Thank you for taking the time to create and post. Deepest Respect!

  7. The book you're recommending must be what that nutcase, sv3rdge, has read. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Weston Price has been debunked so many times. There is so much evidence in favor of a whole foods plant-based diet. Veganism is not a diet trend either. More and more research is on the horizon. I have an inside look, as someone who's in the food and health industry. The book you're recommending is based on outdated research.

    You're promoting a diet that not only causes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and a number of other health issues, BUT also promoting a systemic oppression, enslavement, torture, and eventual murder of billions of innocent animals.

    And I thought you were a smart woman 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Other than the nonsense about diet, this is a good interview. Very nice to hear from another ex-mormon.

  8. I actually am vegan and have been for many years lol I found with my first pregnancy when I ate an omnivorous diet very difficult. The bonding did not go right, I had such bone crushing postpartum depression, and I couldn't produce milk. I had two vegan pregnancies next, which both went very well. The bonding was amazing, no postpartum depression, though still couldn't produce milk. I think I am just not a good milk producer. I won't credit these better experiences to the diet, because it could be unrelated.I do think though that a whole foods plant based diet can be very healthy, but it can be hard to find the right balance, so I don't push it onto anyone else. I find with my diet I have excellent digestion and my weight stays ideal (I switched to this diet because of health issues I was experiencing which have not been a problem as long as I've stuck to the diet). I also manage critical thinking just fine while on this diet and came to my gender critical beliefs while on the vegan diet. I am someone who is always questioning everything, my diet has had no negative impact on this. No hate or aggression meant from this comment, just offering a different perspective.

    Out of curiosity I have tried on occasion to add some animal products back and never noticed any benefit. Only worse digestion and fatigue. So I do what works and keeps me feeling healthy

  9. She should be skeptical of claims made by TiMen about SA. Sadly, it’s part of what makes them want to be women. They fantasize(not all of course, but many of the younger ones especially) about that sort of abuse, and they will absolutely lie about it to other people. Unless he’s an HSTS pro$titute, it’s highly highly unlikely that’s he’s experienced that sort of violence, or really any violence at all.

  10. My best friend from middle school, who’s female, came out in 10th grade I think, and her church(LDS) did attempt to do conversion therapy on her. It didn’t work, and she was excommunicated. Fortunately, the rest of her family(save for one brother) left the church over the next decade. This was around 2001.

  11. I'm vegan, and even though I've chosen to cut out animal products entirely until the way we treat animals is reformed, I am not against meat eating in and of itself for health purposes. I think reducing the amount of meat consumed (especially red meat) is a good idea, sticking mostly to chicken and eggs. It's also good for the environment as it reduces the amount of agriculture and it's a way to be more ethical in our treatment of animals (I am against factory farming).

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