Buck Convention: The Toast, Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

Buck Convention: The Toast, Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

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1. Rihanna Returns With New Song for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Vulture) (15:52)
2. James Corden Says His Wife’s Food Allergy Was Reason for His ‘Rude Comment’ at NYC Restaurant (PEOPLE) (23:20)
3. Taylor Swift Accused of Fatphobia, Prompting Others to Defend Her Message (Newsweek) (29:36)
4. ‘Bachelor in Paradise’ alums Caelynn Miller-Keyes, Dean Unglert are engaged (Page Six) (40:33)
5. Crying makeup is Gen Z’s latest beauty trend: ‘I feel so pretty after sobbing’ (NY Post) (44:30)

– Tell Me Lies Recap (54:03)
– Dear Toasters Advice Segment (1:01:30)

The Toast with Jackie (@JackieOshry) and Claudia Oshry (@girlwithnojob)
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Girl With No Job by Claudia Oshry:Ā ..(read more at source)

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See also  Breastfeeding is hard

About the author: Pageant Coach

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  1. If youā€™re allergic to egg white wouldnā€™t you avoid yolk as itā€™s so hard to truly separate? Anyways Iā€™m British and thought James Corden would be a national treasure but all the stories point to him being rude mean boy.

  2. Let it be known I am not a Swifty but I cried over Claudiaā€™s take on Taylorā€™s music video. The way I struggled my entire life with ED, I felt so validated when I saw Taylor open up visually about her struggle. Ed is life ruining. It takes a mental toll in a way people who have never had one simply canā€™t understand. Iā€™ll never understand what itā€™s like to be overweight and would never speak for someone who has been or currently is just how many canā€™t understand what body dysmorphia/having an ED feels like. Itā€™s torture on so many levels. Iā€™m so tired of people speaking on things they donā€™t understand or have never experienced. This is TAYLORS experience, not yours.

  3. Hahaha :Ā ā€œIā€™ve looked at my wedding pictures a thousand times and if you had told me Tom Selleck was standing next to me Iā€™d believe you because Iā€™ve never looked at Ben.ā€

  4. Seriously, if you were ā€œdeathlyā€ allergic to any part of an eggā€¦.you wouldnā€™t order it at a restaurant on the off chance some part inadvertently got mixed in!!

  5. Idea for handle bar beard! What Claudia said but make shaving the mustache a photo moment!! Like vibey barbershop photos with a dash of hilarity. I feel like it could be a good story and would be fun

  6. Chiming it with a different point of view on the Taylor Swift video controversy. I have a history of ED and I found it a slightly triggering, however, I know that isnā€™t the case for all viewers, and the video is a kind of visual journal entry for Taylor to show what she went through. I think some people are having trouble with the fact that imagery like that can be triggering whether you are in the throes of ED or in recovery plus it was unexpected for a Taylor video. Itā€™s different from when imagery like that catches you by surprise rather than it appearing in a documentary or a movie/TV show about that subject. For me, it bothered me to see the word fat on the scale paired with an objectively slender person. It kind of subconsciously makes you think, ā€œokay so sheā€™s ā€˜fatā€™, so I must be disgusting.ā€ Kind of like when youā€™re the bigger girl in your friend group and the smaller friend complains about looking ā€œbloatedā€. Again, itā€™s not up to Taylor to estimate everyoneā€™s triggers, but I wanted to try and explain it in a way people may be able to relate to.

  7. Please NEVER EVER EVER shorten the episodes and please always talk about yourselves before the fast 5. Itā€™s the best part of the show. Iā€™m obsessed. Love you guys sooooo much ā¤

  8. Keep Unburden Yourselves but just read the burdens, laugh, make a short comment and move on to the next. Youā€™re putting in advice where thatā€™s not what the segment is. Just read peopleā€™s shame, weā€™ll laugh, and then move on to the next

  9. Regarding the mustache, please do not shave it off on the wedding day. Due to sun exposure, the skin wonā€™t be the same color as the rest of his face. He will have a mustache shadow and probably a bit swollen since the hair has been there for so long. It would be tragic.

  10. Also agree re: weight etc. the point is that you donā€™t hate your body while losing weight, as long as you arenā€™t putting yourself down, punishing yourself that should be the point not where you arenā€™t allowed to lose weight and must stay that weight otherwise youā€™re fat phobic and hate yourself. You can simultaneously love yourself and want to make adjustments – this can really go for anything.

  11. Yes, egg white allergies are a real thing. But who would order eggs at all prepared by someone else if they had a dangerous egg allergy? Seems reckless and unnecessary when there are probably many other delicious items on the menu?

    I smell bs.

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