EP65(EF Drama)- อิงล็อต(Eng Sub CC) Beauty pageant lesbian couple ship. Engfa and Charlotte

EP65(EF Drama)- อิงล็อต(Eng Sub CC) Beauty pageant lesbian couple ship. Engfa and Charlotte

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Just a ship . Englot. อิงล็อต

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  1. Hi HighwayTurtle, could you make english sub engco moments? they’re so cute together and this boat is so funny tho😅 with p’nam as a captain😂❤️❤️

  2. Engfa with T.N??? WTH! Darling Engfa, please choose the right one.. I wasn't Englot hardcore fans but now I still much prefer Charlotte for Engfa, I saw more sincerity in her or maybe Chompu 🤭
    Anyway, thanks dear admin for your great efforts as always 😘🤗

  3. thank you again HT2 for translating!
    it seems that both Boss and Engfa had their mistakes and conflict of interest.. .boss concerns are understandable, we are talking about business here, so its not a joke however i think it was unprofessional to put it out on public, and putting an issue like that in public is detrimental to a public figure….and Engfa and her team need to properly coordinate things and understand the importance of her contract and responsibilities..u signed for it so be accountable..i think boss is afraid that with all her fame and project offer she would no longer focus or be derailed by those stuff instead of MGI…
    i totally love how Engfa responded, so mature, its so sad to see her so hurt… she could have reacted by also bad mouthing Boss but she didnt…P' Faye is right making the issue bigger will still impact Engfa.. so cmon lets move on with the drama peopleee
    also, ive read many threads from different platforms and very different opinions indeed..the toxic thing is people putting the other on a pedestal and the other being put down, depending on whoever they stan…PLEASE dont do that…we dont need to ration our support, hating the other will not help either of them and neither the SHIP or the fandom….its #englot…not just engfa or char… but both of them 🥰

  4. What are you people saying she made a mistake. I believe going on a vacation is the most sane decision if someone is tired and just wanna have fun with friends and family… Freaking slave drivers 🤔

  5. I seriously wonder how old are most of you? You all seem to hold your idols to impossible standards and then cry a river when they make a mistake. You need to learn to take those rose colored glasses off and realize people make mistakes. If you were a true fan, you could see the decline of her mental state over the last several months. She has depression. Mental illness will make people act irrationally so no I don’t blame her even though she did mess up. Not only that why is it her fault only? Her sister, Sun and others around her enabled this behavior and probably encouraged it. Where’s that blame. Also stop praising Charlotte like she’s perfect. No one is perfect. She’s a good person, true, but she also has a better support group to help her navigate situations. These Queens are very visible on social media. Are you so naive to believe that they are not coached on how to act on social media? Especially during drama? I mean how many times does Charlotte have to say they are just sisters for you all to realize they have been telling the truth. Ship cautiously. Remember that? Good luck to Enga in Indonesian. I hope she come back with a bang and a clear head.

  6. Ngl i expected Charlotte to get into a relationship that would sink Englot, who knew it was gonna be Engfa, and to think she was supposed to be Charlotte's mentor. I never cared if they get together or not because ships rarely do and because, well, Charlotte is straight. I was surprised they longer than the 3 months I gave them, because social media hype doesn't last long, and seeing how well they handled the ship I thought they'd make it through the series.

    The girls' task was simple: not mess up and keep it together to have the series shot and released.

    So seeing the ship in shambles before the start of production, hell, Engfa hasn't competed in MGI yet, is surprising. For someone who's been waiting for their big break for years, I thought Engfa had her priorities straight: winning the crown, and relationships (with whomever) could wait until after that.

    Still, I can't soley blame her for jetting off to Singapore – she seems professional enough to fulfill her commitments that she must've been under tremendous pressure and wanted to relax a bit, regardless if she came with anyone or not. The org put her under a punishing schedule, milking the ship for money, but I do understand why: Englot's social media hype can't last long. They're striking while the iron is hot. But still, they're largely to blame for this drama.

    This will affect Engfa's performance in the pageant. As for Charlotte, well, since Englot has sunk she's the one who's lost a lot here – her popularity is tied to the ship, and with this drama it's gonna be awkward for them to continue the fanservice.

    However,her stock has never been higher: her work ethic and professionalism is praised (seriously guys would've been sliding into her dms), she's free of the ship which means while the englot door has closed, others have opened up.

    Well, they entertained me for a few months!

  7. i mean engfa was a bit off during this time , i could agree to why boss decided to do live talking about engfa lack of practice lack of responsibility this time . its bcs they couldnt contacted her . idk what makes engfa being like this . either its bcs she super tired or that "person who hitting on engfa" trying to manipulate her . i mean of course we can accept if fa decided to have a lover , but not in the middle of her MGI next month ? .. but however the damage is already done , and engfa already apologize also the boss has cleared things out . i just hope the best for engfa . i love her and i dont want things go wrong again ..

  8. I feel bad for char tho i knew that E and C are never gonna get together, but I can tell she wanted to be with E for long time just like this, as she said she's afraid to lose engfa but now eventually she'll lose her.

  9. After all of this drama, I just want to express how my love and respect for Charlotte skyrocketed. She handled everything in a very mature and classy way. That one tweet that said how she always ran from Engfa's light is so true. She could have milked Englot's popularity so much but I have noticed whenever they were together with the other girls Char would try to put everyone in the spotlight and I love her for being that considerate. Whoever has her love is lucky af and I hope they know it and appreciate her the way she deserves

  10. Not saying that engfa shouldnt date TN because its a personal matter but from what i have seen this drama was mostly around TN. Like how some of TNs friends called her a cheater and a player, personally I would take that as a red flag. I hope E gets a therapist of some sort to talk about her depression and troubles and past trauma bcos that is most likely taking a toll on how much she wants a companion who can take care and listen to her. But TN is the opposite, she flirted with E while being in a relationship w someone else… I hope the right person with good intentions saves E from this.

  11. If people said that Boss Nawat always think about money, you’re wrong! They’re nothing w/o the Boss. Boss just want them to have a better future. Look they also got benefits and became rich as what Boss did for them. Who gonna pay them if not the company? Who gonna help Engfa with the 1200billion issues if not the company? Just sad that people always blame Boss. He did well for his team actually.

  12. If engfa is with char, engfa doesn't need to get pregnant, because engfa said she doesn't want to get pregnant but wants baby😍

    But char said from the beginning that he is not LGBT, and engfa is like sister,😖 char is also wrong if he accepts engfa, now engfa partner with a tomboy 😭😭

    I love englot

  13. Firstly I was mad at nawat bcos of no proper context but he still shouldn't just start revealing things publicly in a childish way. But I completely understand where he is coming from. Very worried about E which a real second dad does. E has made a mistake that has disappointing many including me but she has apologized and is learning from it! The thing with T.N is that im happy for E on whoever she decides to choose for her lover but what if T.N suddenly brings her down days before mgi? Manipulates her and shes coming after fame and money? Harms her and especially with E she has been blinded by love that being in a toxic relationship made her still not want to leave? Even its not Englot in the end I want someone for the both to have good intentions towards them. I support boss opinions but it is E's choice about her personal life hopefully she chooses the right path.

  14. Engfa is the red flag we chose to ignore.
    We were aware but we ignored it.
    Deemed cool when it really is not.
    Her saying she was all clear about how she felt and that how can one be clearer, but at the same time flirting with everyone.
    That’s the red flag we chose to ignore.
    Imagine kneeling down during the concert but was with someone else before the event.
    On top of her lying about “just wanting green and tired” and “not talking to anyone”, it must be hard being in her shoes.
    She deserves to be true to herself.
    And I hope things will get better for her.

    Charlotte is the greenest flag of them all.
    Clearly, Charlotte care and it is indeed wise of her not to let her guard down on someone who can’t be consistent.
    Despite everything, she remained classy and professional about it.
    I honestly didn’t expect that Charlotte would come out to be the mature one in all of this.
    But It was evident all along that she is walking green flag, we were not just attentive enough.

    Char deserves better work partner, One who is consistent and emotionally stable.
    (who is actually not needed, given how hardworking Char is)

    I wish Engfa all the best but I would rather stop supporting #englot just because Charlotte deserves better.
    Supporting englot is like keeping them both in this toxic situation.
    Just because she handles herself well, we could let her be in that situation and expose herself on someone and whatnot.

    I’ve been following them since before they met in person, but this is the first time I ever commented and reacted.
    All just because Charlotte deserves the support, despite her strength and her being focused on supporting everyone.

    #ByeEnglot is the best for them both.
    The greenest flag we could give to them.

    Being a real fan is not being measured by holding on,
    But freeing them from toxicity.
    They are both “individually” wonderful.

  15. I admire Char more now because I have seen more of his determination to be successful in life because he believes that what is important now is opportunities than love because there is time for that. And the maturity that he has I really love. ❤️can i have kind of charlotte in my life Haha

  16. Now i know. Guess i'm right that Nawat is just trying to defend her long before the real translation showed up.

    What Engfa did was not entirely her fault. What she's showing is exactly she's in love with Char. She is trying real hard to forget her feelings for her that she entertained someone else(turned out a bad influnce sad to say). Now that she came back, she doesn't want to talk to Char for a while 'cause of what had happened. Though Char is always there for her as a sister. It might not help because she's actually dealing to kill her romantic love for Char.

    She wanted to unwind but end up being in a wrong set of influence. Whatever T.N. or whoever he/she maybe doing, she should just step back as what Nawat said.

    Hoping Engfa will be back on the right track. All the way, even if she stumbled or back down, she is still love. 💖

  17. I hate how Boss N handled the issue first with his live, but things are getting out of hand. I like a straightforward person. He's honest about the things he said, but he should have resolved it first privately before going public. And I agree with the part where he said that if she's tired, why the need to travel abroad? And as for TN's issue, she went to Engfa's concert, which was held last August 6. The last photo of her and her ex-GF was posted on July 7th, so there was only a month's gap. Hopefully, Engfa wasn't the reason for the breakup. And in all honesty, I felt a bit deceived by her and a little disappointed; deceived by her words towards Charlotte, despite their repeated claims that they were just sisters, and disappointed because she worked hard to get where she is now and risked everything to travel abroad because someone asked her to. It's not worth it. I'd be a hypocrite if I said she doesn't owe any of her fans the truth. But without her fans, any of these won't be possible for her. They helped build her career and fame. I'd still support her no matter what, though a mistake is a mistake. She learned her lessons, and that's good. And as for Charlotte, can we have more Charlotte in this cruel world? very mature thinking, with deep understanding. She's a sensitive person, and she's very aware of her surroundings. Keep sailing the boat!

    Ps. Another mystery: what happened to P'Van now? Did she lose her job or was she just replaced but still in the organization?

  18. Sad thing abt this is that the Boss/management should have fixed this privately. There is no need to scold her infront of many people. The understanding/support must come from them first. HE DOESN'T NEED TO CONDEMN HER LIKE THIS IN PUBLIC JUST PULLING HER DOWN not thinking abt the mental /emotional consequences of sharing this in public. I think Engfa is really just lonely and tired. She has said many times she longs for a companion. It is true that there are many people who surrounds her but she just wants to be loved and cared for, and she wants to fall in love and care for someone too, just like any human being. It must be specially hard for her bcuz of the fame.

  19. I agree with Mr. Nawat. Both of them, Mr. Nawat and Engfa, risk so much to be successful and all of that can be gone in just a snap. And hey, is covid not a thing anymore? If Engfa got the virus how can she compete? It not just her name that is associated with MGT, it is a whole organization that is handled by Mr. Nawat so the blame is also on him at some point.
    I still support Engfa, i'll watch her pageant. I'm rooting for more success to come to her and to Charlotte! 🥂🥂🥂

  20. Look engfa is old enough she knows what is wrong or right I don’t know this Tina girl but I don’t think it’s right to blame her for everything either. I love engfa n char n I ship hard on them but engfa has a right to talk to who ever she wants n if she decides to keep talkin to that tomboy Tina is her problem not ours. We all know what char n engfa have is more than love like they have said but they also can’t deny that they love each other by the way the look at each other everytime they are together

  21. Like I said in the previous video, they flirt but people don't believe it. They regained consciousness for a while after the tomdomdee show. There are 3 issues that I don't see clearly after Fa's return:

    1 – Everyone says someone has control over her, who is it if it's not her sister or her relatives? Who can do that? and Money donate from Fa Dom, so much but nobody know where is it? and some relative always push ship englot although they know tom and Fa is flirtng . is it not lie so what is it?

    2 – They went to Sing together, Fa is 27 years old, she is not a 3 month old baby but you can say that you can take her away, in a relationship with tomboy, she must be the one to accept it. That's how she entered her life. Don't blame it all on tom. Tom is wrong in the problem of flirting with another person before breaking up with the old one.

    3 – People say she hasn't confirmed yet, so there's no such thing as disappointment. So in the first place, why did Fa act like I'm Daddy, I'm always waiting for someone or I try to flirt with someone but I can't? Because of those actions, she gives her fans hope. If she didn't sow hope, no one would be disappointed today.

    After all she came back simply because if she didn't continue she had to pay off her contract with Grand and the brands. Don't think she really changed her mind. At the end of her term as Miss she will live as she wants and everyone will wait and see

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