EVERYTHING WRONG WITH TODDLERS AND TIARAS (sexual exploitation, spray tans, fake nails)

EVERYTHING WRONG WITH TODDLERS AND TIARAS (sexual exploitation, spray tans, fake nails)

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Toddlers and Tiaras aired on TLC in 2009 and was seen as a very problematic show. In this video, I will be breaking down everything wrong with Toddlers and Tiaras the series! What are your thoughts?

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  1. New to your channel! I appreciate seeing a video on this, because I agree that the show was very problematic. From the beauty standards to the exploitation to the catering to pedos (just look at Chrissy Teigan's old tweets) to the sugar and Red Bull….. But my heart stopped at the little girl's screams when she didn't want to be waxed. How can any mom ignore that?? I know the fear she felt in that moment, the sheer terror, though mine was due to something else. And to think, it wasn't even a necessary thing. Broke my heart.

  2. Also, can we just talk about the people who are enabling this for a minute?
    Like, in the "pretty woman girl" clip, yeah, there was that one mom that was pointed out how insane that was, but then we had the people in the audience APPLAUDING. Like, did they not realize what they were looking at?
    Then there are the salon people taking these costumers and acting like this is normal. I mean, I know they have to make a living but there comes a time when you really gotta say no.

  3. This show freaked me out as a kid cause wtf are adults putting BABIES 4-7 through this shit????? No kid should be wearing makeup and outfits like that while also getting judged

  4. The fact that these mothers can stand there calmly and just let their daughters cry while getting their eyebrows waxed by force…makes my blood boil. Wanted to slap those mothers.

  5. God. It's clear that these people don't want kids, they want perfect little dolls they can dress up and get money from.
    Just sculpt one and move on with your life, no need to put a small kid through something like this…

  6. How can anyone film, show and watch a kid on TV scream in pain while getting her eyebrows waxed against ger will while shes begging for her mom to stop this and not immediately think "child abuse"

  7. You can barely see children’s eyebrows especially if they’re up on stage. If they really feel the need to shape their brows why not use an eyebrow shaver? Why do you have to wax?

  8. I’m against all forms of child-stars and celebrities. I understand that you need child actors to play in some movies etc but these folks go so overboard. You need to discuss these crazy YouTube child-star situations if you haven’t already because it’s disgusting

  9. seriously these programs should be stopped!
    The beauty industry is not a place for children like Adults cannot stand the pressures and stereotypes in this industry. So how are children? These shows are really disgusting in which children are exploited and sexualized. and I see a lot in the social media using the reactions of such shows for joking, and I hope this thing stops because you are helping them.

  10. This eyebrow waxing scene was so traumatizing to watch. Wtf. This HAS to mentally scar that kid in some way. That's just straight up physical violence against a child, she was clearly scared and in pain. In no way is that better than just punching a little girl in the face until she cries. And they just showed that on TV as if it's not a big deal. Disgusting.

  11. As someone who did pageants as a little girl, I won relatively consistently, and I had a great time because my mom and my coach did not make me do what these girls did on the show. So much of this was dramatized for the show similar to dance moms. I wanted to be there. I wanted to win. If I didn’t want to do a pageant I didn’t have to. There is a way to do pageants well and safely. I hate that this show gave the pageant world such a terrible name.

  12. When I was a kid I wanted to be a model, so I went to these kid brand fashion shows where the parents payed and the kid could be put in cute clothing and fashion walk there. Very fun, way better than pagents

  13. This is something I heard from random people but there was a lot of information going around that Honey Boo Boo's mother's bf from the show was already a sex offender and that the mom ignored it.

  14. When I started getting my eyebrows waxed at 13 or 14,I found it painful. Even still to this day. But getting them waxed at that young of an age. NO! There skin is still soft and delicate and definitely just wrong on so many levels.

  15. The information you bring is good…but you might want to consider what is in your background and ask yourself does it support or contradict your message….a little oops.can happen to anyone…just a little feedback…love your show … : )

  16. I remember be a huge fan of this show. Always wanted to be part evetho I was 12-13 when I watched it. I only one I always remember was Honey/Alana because she was so crazy, I already follow the family up but forget to the others girls.

  17. Hey so. I don't think pageants with young children are good at all.
    Why? Because it has roots in eugenics. No I'm not kidding.
    Adults? Fine. Adults know what theyre getting into. But children… It makes me uncomfortable

  18. My sister has my 3.5 year old niece in Glitz pageants and dear god… the amount of cringe and inappropriate behavior I have seen from other parents. The “community” has a post board online called the “blue book” which is literally a bunch of middle aged women bashing and talking shit about contestants- most of which are 3-10 years old.

  19. its always sunny… “Franks Little Beauties”

    its an american tradition but not a proud one… like alot of american history..

    especially with the Balenciaga and the child stuff going on in those circles

  20. This video was really good and thought out. A lot of valid points were made, but does anyone else feel like the sponsorship from a supplement company and the straight up mention of “fat burning” supplements (which I’ve never seen as anything but pseudoscience) came off a little tone deaf?

  21. As someone who has done competitive dance and gymnastics since I was 2 and now teach competitive dance, the makeup, hair, and dancing was never a problem for me but the flippers and spray tan was a bit much. Dancers wear eyelashes, and some get their brows done by age 4. It's really not that big of a deal. They're not wearing all of the makeup and costumes every day, just for stage, and that's what it's meant for. If they were wearing it every day, it would be way too much, but 1 day is not going to kill them.

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