Miss Universe GOES BANKRUPT After Trans Inclusion Controversy

Miss Universe GOES BANKRUPT After Trans Inclusion Controversy

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  1. Men are no respect to women, even they changed there psychical gender they still didnt respect women, they want to invade women pageant competition which very immoral and very wrong

  2. The idiots should have done a separate trans contest, which, objectively, would be interesting – which dude passes best is an actual contest. It’d gather its own repulsive audience and would be a hit. Why poop in the top shelf of the toilet like this

  3. I have to disagree: Men's spaces are invaded, just differently. Activists have been pushing for decades to take away any space for masculine enjoyment under the disguise of environmentalism or feminism, it's just more subtle. Anything car-related is framed as bad these days, even though a lot of men have hobbies in that area of interest. From blocking traffic, to deplatforming motor sport to trying to ban ICEs or trying to introduce a general speed limit here in Germany, men are pushed more and more aside, too. It's just of one of the many theaters of the cultural war that has been going on for decades now. Trying to force everyone on a vegan diet also falls into that category. Men eat meat, it's as simple as that.

  4. 17:00 It's almost as if those who looked down upon pride (deadly sin btw) saw the slippery slope and knew society as a whole would suffer if it was accepted. Didn't even have to be religious. A celebration of some version of pride has preceded the downfall of many empiors throughout history.

  5. First, they came for male spaces, and men were shouted down and not allowed to defend their spaces. Is it shocking they came for women afterward?
    And we cannot say what a woman is, but the pageants can block people from competing as women based on a minimum height requirement???

  6. 😏 Speak for yourself about liking Kim Kardashian pre-plastic surgery!

    ⚧️ Yes, men and women are SUPPOSED to COMPLIMENT each other so it is not only not bad but GOOD that men and women are DIFFERENT.

    💵➡️👶 Yes, no more welfare for kids!

  7. Probably bankrupt after being owned by Donald Trump really. That's where the trans lady got it. Donald Trump sold it to her. Presumably to fund his 2016 campaign. Bankruptcy is common to his companies. When Donald Trump own the pagents he use to brag how he was allowed in the miss teen USA dressing room to the guys. Actually he just bragged about one the pagents and them being undressed and stuff. It just so happened to be it was the teen contestants that remembered him being in their dressing room. Lots of young sociopath anti transgender media commentators out there. Surprising there's so many cluster b young people groomed by conservative religion and politics to influence hate and political oppression towards all sorts the poor and or marginalized. It's pretty sick. That's conservative religion and politics for you. Every accusation is a confession. I mean they got these young people obsessed with the transgender peoples genitals against the transgender peoples invitation awfully young.. I'm sure will hear of it in explicit details from them at some point as we're sure they've been mentally trained to mercilessly exploit and promote merciless intrusive and violating and violent conduct and even call it a so called moral stand. Maybe even financed at to get them started? It's probably because they gots the devil's in them why them volcano god worshiper like human sacrifice religious and political folks would like these particular youths that so much. They prefer the devil's in them young people and give them an extra nodge forward in life compared to all the other kids. They raise them kids with a judgemental mean and merciless streak cause they think that's authority and power. The sociopath and psychopath kids are their absolute favorites. They want to induct them into their narcissistic hierarchy religious and political cults just as soon as possible at so they are well trained at in the arts of mass sociological scale fear and wrath and shame mongering. That's basically the conservative religious and political version of love. They love everybody sociopaths and psychopaths first and then everyone else at anything left over from that.

  8. Men won’t push back because we don’t have any spaces anymore. Why should you?

    We know that we’re likely to get punished for trying to protect a woman, most likely at her behest, so why would we care?

  9. To women: CRY MORE.

    Until women reverse THEIR invasion of men's spaces, I have zero problem with this.

    Women have earned this over the last 100 years, and as the old saying goes: "Turnabout is fair play."

    12:50 Holy crap. This is the first time I think I've heard a woman admit this. Good on you. Oh, but then it was MEN'S responsibility to "stand up" against feminism…because it's ALWAYS men's fault. It was men's fault that they didn't "stand up" to the demographic voting majority that called them all misogynistic and NOW it's men's fault because they allowed it in the first place AND they're the ones invading women's spaces…it's ALWAYS men's fault.

  10. Bruh, please don't pretend like we (men) haven't pushed back, multiple times, it's insulting, but we we're told to give up, by women – every time we push back, we get told to GTFO, that it's not 'our space' and that we don't have a say in it.

  11. In Trump's defense, when he said trans men could compete, we all thought maybe one guy every five years or so would sign up for it (and take last place in the competition each time). Now we know that the entire competition will be filled up by trans people with other trans people giviving a trans dude the win every year. Times have changed enormously in just a few years.

  12. Trans beauty pageants have been a thing for a long time. This is about trans-identifying men wanting to be in competition with biological women. Just like was mentioned about the open category in swimming, they don't want that, they want to go up against females

  13. Imagine if there was a "Miss White America", imagine the outrage….
    It's amazing how the organizers of "Miss Black America" don't realize they are incredibly racist for excluding other people for their skin color.
    We are actually in the most racist time in post 1970's America, they just changed "their definition" of racism to exclude whites from being recognized as a race.

  14. I predicted this.. this is the final phase of Jezebel hyena slut culture. They will eventually REMOVE WOMEN AND REPLACE THEM WITH TRANS WOMEN..

    I tell you , the MOdern woman is so smart and do not even realize how dumd they are. They are going advocate for the on demise.. lol. I love it!!

  15. Ditching birth control is a HORRIBLE idea! You're gonna have families with 8-12 kids they can't afford sucking off the government…do they NOT SEE how bad the economy is now!? This is the 21st century! People have the right to choose NOT to have kids, women don't want to fuck up their bodies and waste their youth raising a bunch of crotch critters! And if government ain't paying for these kids, somebody else will be sucked dry! Horrible, horrible solution!

  16. I heard about Miss Universe, figured there were probably trans and I wanted NOTHING to do with it…Miss Universe is for MEN not SJWs, it was only fun for seeing chicks in bikinis…there's never going to be a day men who think they're women are going to be prettier than REAL NATURAL BORN WOMEN! Nobody gives a crap about beauty paegents except for seeing REAL WOMEN IN BIKINIS! The rest is just fluff so they can pad out the airtime…keep men out of women's sports, women's bathrooms, and women's beauty paegents!

  17. Surgery, hormones, clothing, make up, do not make a woman. This is just a costume. A knock off designer handbag. You will always know the knock off because this version of perfection is so over the top that it doesn’t look real or normal.

  18. Men want to compete against women, because they can't compete against other men. Sorry, not sorry, but it's glaringly obvious. If these "trans" women could actually compete against their own gender, they would not be wearing Woman Face. Stunningly weak and Bravely craven.
    And men damn well would push back if we had to date them. Good luck with that, though.

  19. When I saw the winner I thought if a trans was competing they should look a bit better no? It should be the best looking trans in the world 😅 I've seen better at a Sunday morning after hours party.

  20. 12:45 Yep. There's a lot of men saying it's time for women to step up. Because men did when this started, and the men who did stand up were shouted down, got fired, and were condemned as sexists. Now we're seeing this actually happen to women, and they're suddenly all surprised pikachu face. Call it the JK Rowling effect. She didn't mind doing it to any other demographic, until they did it to hers.

    Glad to see two women here acknowledging this didn't start with women. And the end of the day, this mentality screws everyone, and we've all got to stand up. Not any certain demographic, everyone.

  21. No trans people would compete in a trans pageant. The whole point is the world must believe they are real women. Plus, they wouldn't be able to get extra attention from the controversy.

  22. I'd be surprised if this comment stays, but a man pretending to be a woman buys "miss universe" and then "miss universe" features men pretending to women as contestants goes bankrupt. Who couldn't see this coming?

  23. I can let my hair grow out for a year and put on a white robe and sandals, but that doesn't make me Jesus. That's really what all of this is when it comes to trans surgery and this inclusion nonsense. It's people who are pretending to be another gender, but will never become one.

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