Pageant Mum Has Spent $70,000 On Her Daughter! | Toddlers & Tiaras

Pageant Mum Has Spent $70,000 On Her Daughter! | Toddlers & Tiaras

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Mickie Wood does not hold back money when it comes to her daughter’s pageant career, having spent up to $70,000 on this endeavour alone!

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  1. The mother is probably over 30 and says "OMG" and "period". Also she dresses and acts like a 15-years-old. How can someone be as cringe? Even I outgrew that phase. Also this is really awful, because you're basically teaching your child at the age of 4 that they're someone better than anybody else and deserved to have all the attention. That girl will grow up with so many issues

  2. The comments are ridiculous. Number one, if you don't like pageants, why you trolling these videos? Second, I've seen worse parent behavior at soccer and other children's sports…. all parents live vicariously through their kids and want them to have more than they did. If you're a parent and say that isn't so.. you're a liar.

  3. This is terrible and it's not based in reality. Instead of having her daughter dressed like a vegas dancer, which is exploitative and unholy, and putting sole emphasis on looks and vanity,, which really means very little– although our society glorifies it; they should be teaching their children the very important values of life… loving God and country, the emphasis on loving God and serving God and helping others. Instead, this is creating the environment for the child to focus on herself, self, self, self, self, self. Being a wonderful human being can only be in being selfless and only that can be done through God anyway. The parent would be better off taking her daughter to a soup kitchen to volunteer feeding the homeless and less fortunate to show that there are people that don't have it good and to show love to others that have never had any love in their life. What does this type of thing serve these children? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! It's ridiculous! It's so ridiculous!

  4. Why dontheynjudgebrhem with fake teeth, fake tans, fake hair, tons of makeup and trashy adult costumes? Then they have them dancing the sluttiest routines. These are NOT women! They are tiny little girls, growing up way too fast, so their mothers can relive their youth. It's disgusting.

  5. When the pageant director is hanging out in the families room, no bias there. I thought Tara Jean did a bit better in the outfit of choice. Edens was a good show but Tara Lynn was the performer.

  6. How many little girls from Taylor Arkansas have a doll made after them? As many wackass mothers that would actually pay for it is how many. If mom didn't put that money up, that 1 Eded doll wouldn't exist

  7. Remember God loves you!😊♥️
    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    Please turn your life around and repent.🙏
    The clock is ticking……

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