Quirky Pageant Contestant Who Focuses On Natural Beauty Comes Last | Toddlers & Tiaras

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Liana’s mum does not believe in spending an arm and a leg to win a pageant, but this contestant’s natural beauty approach does not go down well with the judges.
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  1. I think this is one of my favorite family Ik the car thing was odd but like I donā€™t think the mom meant be a car I think she meant she was kidding around with her like what kid hasnā€™t pretended to be an animal and sheā€™s so unproblematic is Mary a gypsy? Iā€™m just asking does anybody know (Iā€™m not saying thereā€™s anything wrong with that)

  2. Canā€™t believe the parents didnā€™t even try to stop the booing . Idk if anybody heard her but she definitely said 2 little girls and their MOM!! What a shame . I rather my child be the MVP of a team rather then competing for looks and beauty . And itā€™s sad because the talent division is always the most cringe in pageants.

  3. She IS naturally pretty. She has beautiful, long natural hair too. Everything about her is so natural and real. I canā€™t believe thereā€™s anyone in the world who doesnā€™t believe sheā€™s beautiful the way she is.

  4. I'm not ok with the over the top glitz pageants with fake tans and piles of makeup and fake hair, but it's cruel for a mother to put a child in one and not give her the "right" clothing and look to be competitive. This absolutely killed me- it's like taking my little baseball player son to a big tournament and leaving his bat and gear at home on purpose. Why would you set your child up to fail?

  5. Idk why but I cried… I know her mom probably does this to help her daughter feel pretty and I know that they probably donā€™t have much but still want to make her apart of something Iā€™ve had that too. Even if she didnā€™t win big or even if others where rude to her she is the most child like and kind kid on this show I have seen that hasnā€™t had a mom go to the extreme with them. To me she was gorgeous and I hope she knows that a competition doesnā€™t determine her worth at all. Overall Iā€™m general I feel like she will grow up to be such a wonderful person just by how she is as a child and she will look at this one day and realize she was better then the ones who are forced into makeup and extra glitz because she wasšŸ„ŗ if I could I would have given her the biggest hug and some flowers and tell her how beautiful she is and that no 1st or second place determines that

  6. ok so- i havent watch the whole thing yet and i dont wanna be rude to the mom or anything but she kinda looks disgusted the whole time so far- idk if thats just me or-

  7. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been physically heartbroken by one of these clips but i canā€™t stop the tears rolling down my eyes because she doesnā€™t deserve any of that hate and itā€™s just so so sad

  8. I get that it might look plain but still, its not like they make her skin 100 times darker, put fake teeth big and shiny, make them have creepy forceful smiles, blind them with giant lashes.

  9. Ffs….grown a$$ women playing dolls with their daughters. What a joke! Poor kids have no idea how much they are being exploited for publicity and prize money. I have no problem with pageantry per se but the children should be at least 12/13 yrs old to give them a chance of fully understanding the manipulation involved. For me…having very young children parading themselves for strangers and having them scrutinised for their makeup and how they move etc is a short step away from paedophilia/pimping. I am a dad of 4(3 girls) and this practice is degrading. I just regret being led her via YouTube from an unrelated video šŸ™ I hope many that do this see sense and stop this exploitation

  10. This is little girl is so naturally beautiful and confident in herself and that is just what pageants need! Good parenting and teaching your child to love themselves from an early age can go a long way šŸ™‚

  11. Well of course she came in last. Any girl that isnā€™t dressed as a stripper or a Barbie doll gets dirty looks from the judges and comes in last. Itā€™s disgusting that this is the way young children are treated based on their looks. Shoutout to this girl for believing in herself and showing self love, she will make it far.

  12. Dont worry liana! I competed in the older girls pageants and they mostly love the natural girls. Also i love her hair. Mine used to be that long before i cut it šŸ˜

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