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  1. Glad you're back on the Shane train, I like your videos better when the tone is friendly and less of the "I'm above them" , you seem humbled now you felt what it's like to be " come for" and I like that. Not having schadenfreude attitude is a best life, more power to you .

  2. I personally think that at this point Shane has no business trying to sell makeup. With all the deceit, lies, and drama he caused in that community… he should have no platform there. Period.

  3. I think he may be using Snapchat to reach a younger audience, I noticed that Snapchat got a resurgence with the younger crowd. My niece who is 13 thought it was crazy I have a Snapchat.. and I’ve had it for years! 😂

  4. It definitely went back up to normal prices. I been watching. Lol! But only has 12 things on the whole site! Like all his new podcast merch, slime and robe and 1 bag.

  5. Marking something down for a period of time is what a sale IS,no? I don't get the big deal. It's like black Friday or when goodwill does a 50% off day.

  6. A lot of creators are going to snapchat! I’m not sure why but it might be because they seem to allow their creators to be more open than YouTube, IG and TikTok. It does feel safe on Snapchat! Like it’s just enjoyable lol no negative Nancy’s and it’s not toxic. They also probably pay their creators better.

  7. Shane is stuck in 2016. No one cares about Snapchat or his horrible embarrassing makeup looks or j star or him. He’s a grown man who acts like a n 8 year old.

  8. I have a conspiracy about Snapchat.. there is a tik toker named Sedona who got canceled for cheating on her gf, then she all of a sudden started posting on Snapchat. I think these cancelled people are using snap because it’s a dying app that “social media savvy” people don’t use. Their snap audiences might not know about the cancellation, and they won’t get as much hate!!

  9. They could be deleting comments directly and/or it could be deleted because the poster used words that trigger deletion automatically. Who knows but it is their channel so they have the right to do whatever they want and you have the right feel some type of way about whatever it is that they choose to do there.

  10. You know they went to Jeffree’s ranch and filmed. We’ve never seen that footage. He’s also been posting llamas lately. They’re always saying they want to start a farm or buy farm animals. I wonder if it’s like we go to Jeffree’s farm to get advice and then we go buy our animals. Building their own mini farm is the series. Lol.

  11. The only merch I buy is concert t-shirts. Influencer makeup goes in the merch category for me, so I'm not a customer. Also Shane was never my cup of tea

  12. i just want to point out there has been a glitch in youtube comments. I’ve been having trouble seeing replies in all videos even random videos. I don’t necessarily think that means they are deleting comments.

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