Sibling Watchery: RuPaul’s Drag Race S15E11 “Two Queens, One Joke” Review

Sibling Watchery: RuPaul’s Drag Race S15E11 “Two Queens, One Joke” Review

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Bob the Drag Queen & Monet X Change review Season 15 Episode 11 of RuPaul’s Drag Race: Two Queens, One Joke. Tune is as Bob and Monet give their reactions as the queens perform stand-up comedy in pairs, but an odd number of queens causes for some drama and comedian, Ali Wong, guest judges.

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  1. idk if the cody they were talking abt and the cody i searched for is the right person but theres this one in the same city as the place where rpdr is shot at and ouughhh he looks so fucking good
    if i was blair st clair i would too

  2. I suffer from High blood pressure and causes me migraines, and it hits me at the point of I end up puking from the pain, so I don't know if Anettra had this kind of pain but if she did I'm impressed she could keep working with it 👍

  3. Ok I'm living for the fact they're roasting each other slightly in the sponsoring bits. I also love that Jacob is more vocal, he's really funny. Great episode once again <3

  4. I think a lot of people think they have migraines when they’ve just had bad headaches and that’s why they don’t get it. Anyone who suffers from chronic migraines has had situations where they just had to “push through” but also sometimes when the room is spinning and and you’re nauseous and you’re sweating and shivering at the same time and your vision is fading and every smell is amplified and you’re literally seeing stars and black spots flying around your head and it feels like your brain is about to explode…there ain’t enough pushing in the world! 😅 and an aspirin ain’t gonna cut it.
    Hell to me, she did push through.

  5. Monet & Bob both swearing they could do Anetra's "free willy" dive 😂 it was spontaneous & to do that, you have to be an ATHLETE. Not saying these sisters aren't great lip syncers but athletes?!? No ma'am.

  6. I feel like there were 10 minutes of ads in this episode. Thank god for YT premium so I can fast fwd lol

    Also migraines can be pretty bad! I'm sure the don't want Anetra laying face down when theyre trying to film a show

  7. I've had migraines since I was 15. I could see in Anetra's eyes that she 100% had a migraine. You get this glazed, squinty, pained and slightly out of it look. When I get one, basically the only thing that stops it is laying in the dark in the quiet and taking a nap. Shit sucks.

  8. I think the reason Loosey's belly bump was such a sore point because that was literally the big reveal and she didn't do it. Its weird to do a pregnancy look and not be pregnant though I did laugh when she tried to convince Luxx Bey didnt look like she was carrying.

  9. considering what you said about accent and pronunciation, I'm Brazilian, and sometimes you guys speak too fast and make it difficult for those who don't have English as their native language to understand. love you both anyway ❤ thanks for the work

  10. Lets be honest tho, for a rip me to shreds runway marcia could've just ripped up an outfit she isnt using or one she's already done. She couldve made a shit lil coctail dress and ripped it up, grab a glass and act like a drunk mum or something

  11. Yes drag race does parody a lot of things. But the show is based on ballroom culture and it never acknowledges that. From runway categories to language etc. It owes the culture and its audience a duty to acknowledge and give back. Which it doesn’t atm.

  12. Loosey is definitely on the new drug called Jan-tansy it cause drag delusion, makes you think you won more challenges than you really have, side effects can cause you to get mad when called out or when your safe and turn on your sisters at any moment.

  13. Let me say I love sasha colby, but I'm so glad that bob called out the favoritism for sasha in ever challenge, it's so clear that they are setting it up for sasha to be in the top maybe not the winner but rupaul knows that sasha is going to put on s damn show for the finale.

  14. Y'all! it would be totally cool to see Thorgy on the show with BOFA you guys. 🎉 Love Sibling Rivalry y'all. Keep pumping out the content. Can't get enough of you two.
    Btw: I suffer from excruciating migraines. The worst parts are the nausea and the POUNDING sharp pain. It is truly hard to cope with and it 100% will take over your entire day. You won't be able to focus on anything other than trying not to puke… Cuz lord that'll make the headache pain worse.

    It usually hits me in the morning 20-60 minutes after I wake up. It's hellish.

  15. English is not my first language and I literally cannot hear the difference between correct and incorrect pronunciation of "Bob" and "Monet" 🙁 I wonder how queens would react on my thick Polish accent

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