Transgender Student Ask Virginia Governor TOUGH QUESTION

Transgender Student Ask Virginia Governor TOUGH QUESTION

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  1. Transmen(Biological females) are in male sports, but there are more girls getting in boys High School wrestling and football, and in college football too. Women are the biggest hypocrites, two faced and have double standards.

  2. I have to agree if I was to take the easy road out. As a father I could go this route. If you spend all this money anyways. Meet half way before it's too late. Give them their own bathroom this deal with the consequences that happens in that bathroom. Then normal parents don't have an argument with their natural problems they have to deal with , like a old-fashion pervert or a cereal kill*r in the bathroom. Problem solved easy and expensive.

    Because when government helps to molest our children your days buddy and everybody involved are Deadpool🤢 enough is enough

  3. We don't need to build gender neutral bathrooms. We need to provide more accessible and affordable mental health services.

    'cause these people are crazy as hell….

  4. This 17 year old already has that voice which means the parents agreed a while back on hormone therapy, which is messed up, 17 should not be that much transitioned

  5. Well, you guys are definitely intolerant and dismissive of transgender people. They are not Gay! They are transgender. There's a difference! Unless, of course, they choose to date, marry, hook up with the same gender they changed to. And that happens as well. Whatever the case, it's not our (straight people's) business, and not for us to judge. It's only our business to love, respect, and accept everyone for who they are and whomever they choose to be, even if it confuses you, as long as they are grown ass consenting adults! People are different, and sexuality, identity, orientation, etc., can be fluid. Everything is not always just plain black and white. Get over it!

  6. If you were born with a Y Chromosome then, and only then, you should use the boys/ men’s restroom. If you were born with two X Chromosomes then you use the female testy. Period. They cannot argue with that rule! If everyone would adopt this rule that would shutdown this whole insane subjective narrative.

  7. If you guys ever left youtube it would be a sad day for all… including youtube. But da he'll with those communist bastards. They be silencing for so long… shit needs to stop

  8. No woman would be uncomfortable with a transman in the bathroom lmao. The only way a transwoman should be allowed to use female restrooms is if they don't have their D anymore. If they go that far, then whatever, but under 18, no surgery or hormones.

  9. Trump really is the only republican to say what he means and mean and what he says. I like Youngkin, but he answered like a pussy. That tells me, he would probably cave to the left if he ever ran for president.

  10. I'm in the plumbing business. Normally as of late there's just men and women's bathrooms. If we go to making two extra bathrooms. That means my money will double. I'm all for these retarded ass bathrooms

  11. You guys should do a poll on transgender how many women agree with these being involved in sports, using the ladies 🚺 🔐 rooms, and see 👀 what the results are

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