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  1. As a mom I’ve learned to delegate. Daddy can help, your mom or Koko, the nanny. Your not alone! If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t be there for anyone else. Life with kids is exhausting x stressful x joyful x fun x fulfilling etc… it’s ok to need a break! Your a great mom , give yourself some credit! ❤

  2. No one should make you feel bad for complaining for venting. Us as moms need to support each other. Having sick kids is not easy! Having all your kids sick and being sick is hard. You want to cry and you need your mom! Having two little babies and a little toddler would be unimaginably hard! So girl get those emotions out we have to or it bottles up. It’s hard when we have planned and prepped for things and things go wrong especially when we are so exhausted! It’s okay! ❤❤❤

  3. Colleen, Never apologize for your feelings. I admire your authenticity. Being a good mom is overwhelming at times and always exhausting. Just take it one day at a time, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends and family. Asking for help or a moment of relief (nap, spa day, quiet time) isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s the inner strength to practice self-care and, therefore, self-love. You’re juggling being a wife, mother, career woman, professional, and celebrity entertainer. That last one makes it tougher, because it opens you to bs opinions from jealous, judgmental goobers who don’t deserve to express their goofy opinions. Ignore strangers on the Internet. Strangers. You’re the best mom I’ve ever seen, and I’m not just saying that. That is an honest statement, not gratuitous flattery. The proof is how happy and well-adjusted your children behave. They dance, laugh, sing, and love. You allow them to express themselves and encourage their interests. You’re doing a good job. You’re a good mama.

  4. it always hits me how long so many of us have been around bc colleen will do things with the twins, and in my head im like "omg i remember when she did this with flynn when he was that little" emo about the passage of time?????

  5. I love how you show your emotions this is good really good it helps people with mental health and depression , let go your emotions it’s ok to not feel ok some days you are a sweetheart you really are thank youx❤️❤️❤️❤️💕

  6. Colleen, small potatoes are still potatoes. Life is messy and things go wrong all the time, and it's always valid to feel overwhelmed at any time, even without a reason. Sometimes we just need a good cry. You're one of the most amazing moms I've ever witnessed and I know that your children will always be grateful for everything you've done for them. Your feelings matter, even if it seems like it's over nothing. I couldn't imagine how disheartening it had to have been when they all got sick and I completely understand the feeling of wanting to take all of that sadness and icky feeling away from them. But those more difficult instances show just how wonderful of a mom you are and how giving and loving you truly are. Once everything settles a bit, I hope you're able to take even just 10 minutes for yourself to relax and do something to celebrate Christmas because you deserve it. You're an outstanding mama and we're always here for you ❤️

  7. It might be hard to think about. But consider doing less but do it with higher quality. If you do less, you'll be in better shape and will be able to give more. No ladybug decorations, no TikToks. Just more quality Colleen.

  8. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed. Having kids it’s not easy. I have 3 and all 3 have been catching colds. My babies need me 24/7. It’s like a rollercoaster of emotions.

  9. Colleen you find the cutest kids clothes! Erik shaking his head in the background when Colleen described how she went from looking for vacuum cleaners to cotton candy made me laugh so hard.

  10. Sometimes it seems like what you want to say is that your partner doesn’t support you in the ways that you need them to through a tough time… and maybe you wish he watches these vlogs eventually and helps?

  11. Don't feel bad for saying that, we all feel it too at times. I only had 1 baby at a time and I still felt that overwhelm and you have three bubs who need you. It's ok to feel your feels. Don't forget to ask for help when you need it ♥️♥️♥️♥️

  12. I’m not a parent but even I know that there’s no reason that you should be ashamed that you were drowning this week and somebody needed to open the plug and draining all the water out frankly I don’t know if you have done that or not but it doesn’t matter how much or how little water is in your pool you should never feel ashamed about it

  13. Before you judge. No matter if you wou work from home or work from a job or work full time or work part time or don’t work at all. These are real legitimate feelings mamas have. No matter what your situation is. So shit your mouth before you judge this amazing woman and close you lips. It’s the same feeling we’ll feel that care about our babies. So SSSSSSHHHHHHHUUISSSSHHHHHHH IT!!!!!!

  14. I’ll trade you Colleen…I’m 38 on Nov 20. I’m back at my moms house withdrawing from pills for the 5th time in my life because my family can’t afford rehab. I’ve got AVN IN BOTH MY ANKLES. It’s a painful disease that has no cure that deteriorates my ankle bones until the are dust. Can’t have pain meds because I’m an addict so there is nothing I can do. Drs say I’ll be in a wheelchair within the next 3 years. I’m in love with my boyfriend of 4 years and we were living together but I’m Barron. So I’m so sorry Christmas is coming too soon for you and your healthy children are growing.

  15. Colleen, your feelings of feeling overwhelmed are completely understandable. Of course it would be hard when all 3 of your kiddos are not feeling good and they need you.

    I am not a mom, but I am a caregiver for my disabled mom. There was a time when she was bedridden for about a year and I had to help her with everything. It was very hard and overwhelming. I praise Yahweh (God) that she is miles better now, though still disabled. Still, a lot better. But yes, it is very tiring, exhausting, and overwhelming to be caring for someone who is sick and cannot care for themselves.

    You're doing great, Colleen, even though you may not feel like it. You need not to compare yourself to other wives and mothers. You're doing your best, and that's exactly what you're family needs. Your family needs exactly who you are – not who someone else is. You got this, mama. You're doing a good job!

  16. Colleen, I’m so happy that you opened up about how you’re feeling and stuff that is happening in your life because not may you tubers feel they can open up about stuff like this. I love you Colleen and I’ve been watching you since I was little, I always come to your videos after a bad day. You can get through this Colleen ❤

  17. It takes a lot to be vulnerable and thank you for sharing. What you’re feeling is so relatable for many moms. I do hope your allowing Erik to help take care of the kids. You need a break my dear. And that’s ok. In fact you will be an even better mom for taking care of yourself FIRST. Just how you need your creative outlet/Miranda time, you need Colleen time too.

  18. You are not at all a bad mom for feeling overwhelmed and suffocated . . . You are only human. I have 4 kids. I have twins too and I totally get that feeling. Mine are 17yrs, 15 yrs and the twins are 12yrs and I still feel that way sometimes when they all need me and want to tell me things and want me to find leggings or wrestling gear… it’s hard!!! It’s hard when they are small and big. It’s normal to feel like that when all of that stuff is going on. The fact that you cried About it and felt sad about it proves you are a good mother❤

  19. I get overwhelmed when I can't get my cat's food in their dishes fast enough & they are meowing at me this sounds like I would burnt out by 33…I'm 32 😮‍💨🥴

  20. oh Colleen, the end of your video is a perfect example of two things can be true at the same time. You are one person I would NEVER think doesn't want to do everything they can for their kids. You are a great mom and it's ok to feel tired, exhausted and overwhelmed. Knowing you need rest too is smart, it will help you be a better mom to allow others in your life to step in (one the kids are feeling better). Also it reminded me of the saying when you're raising kids, the days are long but the years are short….for example the recent week and the NICU days I'm sure felt like super long days, but then in a blink it's seems like those sweet babies are ALREADY 1 <3 You've got this momma!

  21. Part of why I don't plan to have kids is I know I couldn't handle how suffocating it can get. Sometimes, a lot of times when you're a parent you lose a lot of you time, because you have to focus on them. I'm so glad you spoke up about the feeling because sometimes just my day to day life without kids can be suffocating. You're doing great Colleen! Your feelings are completely valid!

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