Why This Prison Holds A Beauty Pageant | Refinery29

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In today’s video, we visit a women’s correctional facility in Brazil. Here we investigate why this institution hosts a beauty pageant each year. Press play to learn the reason why.

This video was originally published on Broadly and is being repurposed by Refinery29.

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  1. What people who are so against this type of thing don't think about is that (most of) these people are going to be back out in society, and if they don't have enough self-worth they are never going to put the work into turning their lives around. They need to be told they are not throwaways and putting the effort it takes to start new is worth it. If you are happy with them re-offending then go ahead and think they don't deserve a damn thing but to feel like miserable pieces of garbage. Prison totally sucks regardless, you lose ALL of your freedom to do what you want to do and be where you want to be. Btw, look how tiny that prison population is compared to the US.

  2. would your channel consider making a video on the dangers of sex toys materials, i’ve recently read abt how despite many of the known dangers manufacturers continue to use toxic materials that a lot of consumers are unaware of

  3. i was in juvenile and we had something like this every few months it helps more than anyone could ever know it really is healing and showing you youre more than what society thinks

  4. It is to remind them what it feels like to be applauded for and smile for people who smile back at you. Prisons are to rehabilitate and I think this is a beautiful way to remind these ladies of their self worth. The best part is that they partake willingly !

  5. I'm all for positive opportunities for incarcerated Persons…Each person has a "Passed" as well "Future" ..The passed was lived prior to the incarceration.. The future beginning after positive changes and chances are for all…. Mental state of mind has to be given consideration .. Inmate can't be FOREVER shut out of society ..After all they have Families 🙏🏽 as well

  6. I think this is really inspiring and as stated in the video the real significance of these kind of events is self esteem. We all deserve a second chance.

  7. A nice and unique video but have ever thought that some ladies may commit some crime just to get a chance to participate in a beauty pageant. After all participation in any kind of beauty pageant outside the prison is extremely difficult

  8. Ok but I lost it when the voiceover person said "Brazil is know for its beautiful scenery. This includes its beautiful women." Like did you just refer to women as scenery? Excuse me? Bye.

  9. I used to work in a facility which has big pageant as well (in Rio, though), and I cannot stress enough how important these events are. It makes me so happy to see the this initiative being spread throughout the county.

  10. It’s funny because in a way, the best place for a beauty pageant to be is probably in a prison…? Like, beauty pageants often put a lot of pressure on people, to conform to societal standards, etc. But they also promote femininity (or, in this case, gender expression in general) and individuality, which are both things prisons usually try to take away from people/women. And when prisoners are usually treated like they have no place in society at all, even something that relies on somewhat oppressive societal standards is better than nothing, especially since it’s not taken SUPER seriously or anything. (Though again, this pageant seems to be pretty good at valuing diversity and everything)

  11. why not show both winning groups? why do we have to pretend to be 'open minded' by discriminating against one group? treat them both equally and report on both.

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