Woke Law Professor Calls Senator Hawley 'Transphobic'

Woke Law Professor Calls Senator Hawley 'Transphobic'

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  1. Classic liberal behavior. Don't answer the question try to change the topic into something you can virtue signal. Avoid having any logical discussion and make it a monologue by talking over everyone. Pure BS.

  2. Can you imagine working hard all your life in school, and finally go to a prestigious law school like U.C. Berkeley and having her as one of your professors!!! I'd drop the next day.

  3. Even if they're trans, and I guess they can have kids now, (even though that makes no damn sense but whatever) if they are able to change their body into a Female body, and call themselves a Woman.. I thought we're not supposed to call them men, right? So why not call so-called birthing people women still

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