The Hardest Video I've Ever Made! Meghan & Harry |RACE|

The Hardest Video I've Ever Made! Meghan & Harry |RACE|

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Racism Revelations by me, Leilani of Barbados. More shockers.
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  1. I grew up in the south and I've seen true racism at work and let me tell you, if the RF were racist that thirty million pound wedding would never have happened. He would have never been allowed to marry her no matter how much she passed for white.

  2. I can believe Meghan may be thick about our royal history but surely Harry should know better. He has nieces and nephews that aren’t prince or princesses for goodness sake. Playing the race card for no reason both of them through their sheer ignorance of royal history that dates back hundreds of years. Also if someone had said “I wonder if the baby will be ginger?” Would that have sparked a row – of course not! Any excuse to use the race card these days and honestly it’s sickening!

  3. I'm a white person and I so glad u got that off ur chest….glad u feel better..and I'm agreeing with u , u were much more gracious than I would have been toward her

    I feel bad for ur husband for having a sister like that…when ur babe is 1st shown, what I'm thinking
    " what a cutie "

    Love listening to u

  4. You had me until you started making it about your sister in law ( I’m sure what happened hurt you, and I get it. My grandpa was full blood Cherokee – Moms half. People make rude comments, but it doesn’t validate your topic). It’s off

  5. Meghan just had too tell Oprah about racism in the Royal family. But with know proof and Oprah didn't question it? How come I as a regular person did and said she's lying. The Royal family has never been accused of racism publicly.

  6. harry and meghan needing money sponsors and wanting a villa in spain now .. i guess their fan base isnt giving them donations as they once were . they are the toxic couple of the decade

  7. “Concerns and conversations” says it all. Meghan is a Confidence Woman (Conwom). Is she implying that Harry’s Black child will be denied all these privileges because of how black he is? Their facial expressions betray their lies. Meghan’s eyes are so cold and so dead! Harry is such an idiot. I am a West Indian and Black people are obsessed with colour, hair texture, and noses and lips! It’s called shadism!

  8. Didn't Henry say silence is compliance well since he didn't speak up for 2 years that means he was in agreement and compliant he approved all of the nasty marks of racism labeled on his family
    She contradicted herself in the same interview by admitting that she knew about the George V convention. She's just mad because William's children were made Prince and Princess on their birth and that is because he is the direct aeir to the throne. There is hierarchy in the Royal family not everyone can be king and Queen

  9. Love this video! You are spot on about everythting!
    Its one thing to project and discuss what a baby will look like (just like they could also say “is he going to a redhead?” Or one could say “ooo i hope my baby has green eyes” or imagining how fair or dark they could be.
    Its a whole other thing to make racist comments.

  10. Both of these evil ppl should shut their lying mouth , cruella isn’t Black she never identifies as Black ,her mother is Black , she doesn’t want to be associated with Black on paper she claim Caucasian , ppl are not as foolish as she n ginger thinks , ginger is an A+ idiot who has no idea what family means or is

  11. My oldest son's skin is fair and he has green eyes. My younger son is a light brown with black eyes. It was so difficult in the early years when people would question my older son's paternity because of his lighter skin and eyes. Years later we took a 23 & Me DNA test for fun and this son is definitely our boy. Genetics are an interesting thing. We both wondered what our children would look like during both pregnancies.That is not something exclusive to white families. Harry is so wrong about that.

  12. Not only was Meghan implying the RF was racist in the Oprah interview, but her mother, Doria, was also making racist accusations in the recent Harry and Meghan Documentary.

  13. Why is there no mention of the impact of Harry being a boarder… this can have effects in later life… instead blame is being thrown at any place it can. Boarders are separated from their families and homes for prolonged periods of time and while may be good for some this form of privileged abandonment can be terrible for others in the ‘midlife crisis’.

  14. My white brother in law married a woman from South America. They are each one of eight children. I never heard anyone from the white side of the family talk much about skin tone, but the Latin half of that family was very interested in it. Basically, my sister in law was one of the four siblings who got the "good" skin tone (light brown) vs. the four unfortunates who got the less desirable darker complexions. This was in a family where both parents were of the same ethnic background and shade. Turns out there was a lot of Spanish mixing in with the indigenous Indians in the past, and so it's always a crapshoot in that particular population. This was before two of the sisters ever married white foreigners or had kids. I discovered this when I went down for a visit, and pasty white glow in the dark Northerner me would sit in the sun trying to get some color on my arms and I was repeatedly shooed indoors in order to not "ruin my looks". My brother and sister in law did eventually have two kids, and one of them surprisingly has auburn ringlets. We're not sure how the color happened because while there's a lot of Irish ancestry on my husband's side, nobody was aware of anything like that on the Hispanic/Spanish/Indian side. The Latin side did not have curly hair either, and my husband was the only one on his side who had curls, also ringlets. So I was very hopeful, but none of the other dozen cousins got the ringlets, not even our kids. Both our kids did get blue eyes though, and neither of us has them. Bottom line, of course people are curious about this subject when a baby is coming.

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